Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Am The Logan Bradley

i am: The Logan LaVar Bradley
i think: I'm the luckiest man alive :)
i know: I can do anything I set my mind to
i want: pie and ice cream from Sharis'
i have: EVERYTHING I could possibly wish for
i wish: on shooting stars and at 11:11
i hate: getting my shoes dirty
i miss: "you more, whenever I think about you!" - FM Static
i fear: losing...at ANYTHING!
i feel: AMAZING! (because I am!)
i hear: the songs in my head (it never stops :D)
i smell: pretty dang good :)
i crave: M&M's (just like always)
i search: and then I find!
i wonder: where the time goes
i regret: very little
i love: my family, friends and my life!
i care: too much about sports (is that possible?)
i always: Smile...Smiling's my FAVORITE!
i am not: COCKY!
i believe: in miracles...I mean look at me...I AM LIVING PROOF!!!
i dance: only to make people smile :D
i sing: CONSTANTLY without even noticing
i don’t always: follow the crowd...I'm my own person!
i argue: mostly out of fun... if I'm mad I try to hold it in
i write: only if I have to
i win: ALWAYS! I don't let myself lose
i never: get embarrassed
i listen: better than most guys
i can usually be found: looking at myself in a mirror
i am scared: of absolutely nothing
i need: water when I eat...if I'm out, I will let my food sit there until I get more
i am happy about: the way my life is heading

OK...I don't normally do this type of thing but I was SUPER bored at work and saw this on my cousins blog so I decided it would help the time go by faster. Some of these were pretty hard but I think I was pretty creative :)


Deverie tagged me with this so here I go :)

Don't post the big wishes, just ones that others might already know about you. For instance I wish:
***I wish all my schooling was over and I could start doing what I really love!
***I wish I could control time to speed it up when it sucks and slow it down when life is good :)
***I wish lifes biggest questions answered themselves
***I wish I could write my own music
***I wish I could go on a vacation to a warm sandy beach

I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm pretty sure I can count the number of people that read this blog on 1 hand and I'm pretty sure half of them have already done this :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Example of My Incredible Talent!!!

It has been a little while since I've recorded myself and I know everyone is just DYING to hear more of me :D

I have learned a lot of new songs and made a lot more progress. The only problem with that is I can't keep up with all of them. It takes some time to remember all the cord patterns when I haven't played a song for awhile. It comes back pretty quickly though. With the way my schedule is and everything, I haven't had as much time to practice as I would like but I still try to make time for it.

Life has been pretty crazy lately but in a great way. Work is going well. I have become basically essential there and I know they wouldn't be able to function without me. Needless to say, I use this to my advantage. They are giving me another raise at the end of the month and I had them change my schedule to something that fits my lifestyle. Their desperate need of me and my talents and the way they cater to my needs is one of the main reasons that I stay. I'm not a huge fan of talking on the phone and I HATE video games so this job doesn't really suit me outside of the fact that I get to keep my language skills. I enjoy being able to translate for people and continue to serve the people that I once preached to.

It has been so nice not having to go to school. There is a lot less stress when the homework is piling up inside my backpack. Although the time is slipping away from me again and I'm sure that before I know it, I'll be juggling class, work and a very busy social life once more. For the most part I try not to think too much about how short of time I have left.

Anyway, I just thought I'd give a little update and post my progress again. I know you all love to hear me and it really does help to hear myself every once in awhile. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cocky vs. Confident

Alright....I feel like I owe everyone an explanation. Recently, I've been ACCUSED (more often than ever before) that I am "cocky", "self-centered", "stuck on myself", "stuck up", and/or "prideful". These accusations have been coming in all forms. I put a question about it on my facebook quiz about what people think the first time they meet me and NOT ONE PERSON guessed something other than cocky/stuck up. I just looked on my cousins blog and noticed that next to the link to my blog there is a "HUMILITY WARNING". What's with that???? My sister had a project for her Family History class and she decided to make a book about the cousins on my moms side. Each cousin had their own page and a few little "facts" about themselves and my sister had the audacity to write on my page..."Loves Sports and the Outdoors...Loves Music... and Loves HIMSELF" Then at my Gramma's 80th Birthday Party my sister handed out these books and EVERYONE seemed to agree with what was written. Those are just a FEW examples of the MANY that I've heard lately.

Now, I'm sure that none of this is news to any of you who know me but I need to make sure that I am understood. I AM NOT COCKY!!! (or any of the other things on that list) There is a difference between being COCKY and CONFIDENT. I am CONFIDENT. My competitive nature might make it seem like I believe I am better than everyone but that is more for amusement than anything. I think it is fun to trash talk but only around those that will throw it right back.

Is it my fault that I've been blessed with AMAZING good looks and a PERFECT physique? I don't believe it is :D I've been lucky enough in my life to have that certain CHARM that most people covet. Now people either out of jealousy or complete awe have decided that these gifts that I possess are better used as reasons to make fun of or dislike me. I just want the record to show that I do my best (which is pretty AWESOME) to use these blessings for the benefit of everyone. :D

Cocky people believe they are better than everyone else. NEVER in my life have I thought I was better than anyone else. Therefore, I CANNOT be labeled as "Cocky". Confidence is my FAVORITE word in the English language. In my opinion, Confidence coincides with Faith in so many aspects. I label myself as "Confident" because I know that as long as I do my absolute BEST, nothing in this world can stop me. One of my favorite quotes is from Elder Joseph B. Worthlin - "If one advances CONFIDENTLY in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet them with a success unexpected in common hours" - I use this quote as inspiration and drive in all aspects of my life.

My personality is such that I like to be very vocal about my accomplishments. This aspect has been misconstrued as bragging and boastful pride. I assure you that it's not to boast of myself but more to INSPIRE my peers :) To show that all things are possible!

I write this in hopes that all who have misunderstood my Confidence for Cockyness will understand this from my point of view and recognize that there is a difference and I am most certainly not Cocky. I'm sure this will post will clear up all the misunderstandings.

(ps - I hope no one takes this too seriously. Once again...this is mostly for entertainment)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Official! One Year Down!

OK... So I suck at this whole blogging thing! But I have been ultra busy these past few weeks with school and work and everything. But it is now official...One year of college is in the books! Although, I am seriously considering changing my major. I'm about 95% sure that now I want to be a Physical Therapist. That will probably mean more schooling but I've decided that if it's what I REALLY want to do, it will be totally worth it. I need to study it out a little more before I actually make the decision though. But for now, I'm homework free for about 5 months! It will be so nice to come home from work and not have to worry about getting everything done.

Speaking of work... I quit my job at Journey's this past week. It was a fun job and I enjoyed working with the kids that I did and watching them improve their life skills (for those of you who don't know what Journey's is, it's an organization that works with special needs kids). It was a nice job to have because they worked around my schedule and everything but another job opportunity came that I simply couldn't pass up. Starting tomorrow, I will be working at a place called Center Partners as a French Speaking Agent. I'm so excited to be able to use my language skills on a daily basis again. It's been so long since I've been able to really carry on a conversation in French! Plus, they are so desperate for people that can speak French that I will be treated like a King there! (Just the way it should be haha)

I've had some pretty interesting things going on lately. We played mud volleyball again a few weeks ago. I LOVE doing that. It is always SOO much fun! This year we made it pretty far in the tournament. 4th place BABY!!! I think we got more into this year than we did all the other times I've played. We even made jersey's! That was a lot of fun too.

I just got back from an AWESOME family reunion! I love my family! Even though it's really hard to get everyone together, it's so much fun when most of us are there. It was great cuz this year we had a competition...THAT'S LIKE MY FAVORITE THING!!! There was a lot of pregame, in-game and post game smack talk (mostly instigated by me and Cortney :) But in the end, the best team won! GO BLUE TEAM! I know that everyone wanted us to lose because we were being so "cocky" (although I'll argue...it's not cocky...it's confidence) I hope everyone knows that we were just doing that to have some fun...I'm really not as self centered as I sound (despite what some might tell you!) It's all part of the game! Anyway, I had a BLAST! It is so much fun to see everyone.

I went to Lagoon a few weeks ago for the first time in I don't even know how long. It was SO much fun! There were so many rides that I had never been on. I even went on the Sky Coaster where they strap you to a cord and pull you up way high and drop you and you just swing in the air. It was a little nerve racking but a TON of fun! Although I was nearly deaf afterwards cuz of all the screaming in my ear! But it was totally worth it.

Other than all that... I've just been living life! School, work and homework took up most of my time but I made sure to find/make time for fun. My parents complain that I'm never home but oh well...I'm in college! I gotta take advantage of this vital time in my life! That's what I think anyway. Everything is going REALLY well and I LOVE the direction my life is going. Pretty much every aspect of my life is on the Upside! YAY!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm Pretty Much Amazing!

Here it is! The moment you've all been waiting for! Like I said, I've been trying to learn the guitar for a few months now and I decided to make a video of myself to see how I'm doing. Plus I just love to watch myself ;) I wish I could record this professionally but unfortunately I'm just a poor college student with a ghetto camera so don't judge too harshly. I can play 4 or 5 songs, and this is not my best one (but I don't play my best one for people...;) My family is probably sick of me playing all the time but I don't really care cuz I think I'm making progress. I feel pretty good about how much I've learned and it gives me something to do. I hope you enjoy this....and if not, I don't want to hear about it. HA!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

50 Things to do Before I Die

I had to do this for an assignment in my writing class and I thought it was kinda interesting. Some of these things will be extremely hard but they are things I wanna do. WISH ME LUCK!!!!

1. Become a Real Estate Appraiser
2. Earn my MBA
3. Play the guitar well enough that I feel comfortable showing off
4. Own a house on about 5 acres of land
5. Serve at least one more mission when I retire
6. Perfect my French
7. Go skydiving
8. Sit at the 50 yard line at the Super Bowl
9. Visit every continent
10. Win a snowboarding competition
11. Design and build my own house
12. Get married in the Temple
13. Become a father
14. Go back and visit my mission
15. Truly study the scriptures so that I can really understand them
16. Record my own CD
17. Have a house or condo on the beach
18. Own a hot chocolate café
19. Overcome my indecisiveness
20. Go on a cruise
21. Teach my kids how to play sports
22. Attend the BCS National Championship when the Texas Longhorns win
23. Shoot a Polar Bear to make a rug
24. Have my own company
25. Sit down with the prophet to chat
26. Go bungee jumping
27. Go on the perfect date
28. Never stop progressing
29. Learn to surf
30. See a Narwhal
31. Play catch with Vince Young
32. Send my dad on a vacation back to Japan
33. Watch a movie with only my close friends in the theatre
34. Go to Tahiti
35. Play basketball at Energy Solutions Arena
36. Have no regrets
37. Really go rock climbing
38. Fly a plane
39. Give a large check to a charity
40. Change someone’s life for the better
41. Convince everyone that I’m not cocky, I’m confident
42. Restore a 56 Chevy step side truck
43. Provide for my family so that my wife will only work if she wants to
44. Go heli-snowboarding
45. Attend the Olympics
46. Stay up all night talking to the woman I love under a clear sky
47. Try a dish from as many cultures that I can find
48. Participate in a triathlon
49. Let everyone I care about know how much I love them
50. Leave a Legacy

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Look!

Hey y'all! I've been told by a few people lately that my blog was EXTREMELY boring so I decided to make some changes. I'm not very good at updating this thing mostly because I don't have much to say. My life has stayed the same since the last time I updated this. I'm almost finished with my first semester of college. WAHOO!!! Unfortunately I only have a one week break before my next semester :( College is going well I guess. I'm taking a writing class that is kinda kickin' my trash though. I never imagined that I would ever have to write so much. Not only do I have to write papers, I've had to write songs, childrens books, and letters of appreciation. LAME!!! I'll be so glad once it's over. Despite all crazy assignments however, I have straight A's! YAY ME!!!
I finally took the dirt bike out this past weekend. It was SOO much fun! I freakin' love them. The warm weather that we've had lately has got me itchin do have fun. I'm so stoked for wakeboarding, more ridin', camping, bonfires and so much more!! It's been a long time since I've been able to do that kind of stuff!
Lately I've had the urge to enhance my musical talents. I'm trying to learn how to play the guitar. This isn't the first time I've tried but I'm determined to stick to it this time. I'm pretty pleased with the progress I've made so far but I still have a long way to go before I'll be satisfied. I'm also trying to get back into playing the piano at a level that I'm comfortable with. It all takes a little more patience than I have sometimes and I can get really frustrated with it but it also gives me something to do to break up my boring life :D
Anyway, let me know what you think of the changes and I'll try to keep this updated a little better ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What was I thinking?!

I took Deverie snowboarding...wow thats the biggest mistake I have made all month!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A little update-this is Deverie :)(she made the title that is)

It's been awhile and a lot of things have happened in my life. Mostly just things like getting back in touch with the real way of life again. I went snowboarding for the first time in nearly 3 years. I had almost forgotten how much i love that feeling. I expected it to take me a little while to get used to again but with the exception of a few major tricks i didn't land, i felt as comfortable as ever strapped to that stick of fiberglass.
i've started my freshman year at byu-i. It isn't my first choice of schools but during the orientation i recieved a confirmation that it is where i'm supposed to be, at least for right now. I'm not exactly sure why but i'm sure the Lord will see fit as to show me when the time is right. So far it hasn't been too bad. there is considerably more homework, mainly in the one class, than high school. But the surplus of hot chics makes up for that.
I bought a pickup, its a 2006 F150. i got one heck of a deal on it. it took some time before i actually had the keys in my hand but they are now and i'm loving every minute of it. It's nice not having to worry about whether my dad needs his pickup that night or not.
I've partied it up with my friends. its become my new favorite hobby. whether it be a night out with the guys (girls always seem to show up tho-no complaints) or just chillin with my best good friend Dev, i keep myself busy. but i do my best to squeeze in a letter to my other best good friend Shelby.
The last obstacle that i've yet to tackle is the whole getting a job thing. i've got a pretty good lead on one but its taking longer than i would like. however i'm also a little afraid of getting another job and then finally getting the call from the first one. something has to happen that way soon though.
anyway, life is good. i'm started to feel acclamated and myself again. thats a very good sign