Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Official! One Year Down!

OK... So I suck at this whole blogging thing! But I have been ultra busy these past few weeks with school and work and everything. But it is now official...One year of college is in the books! Although, I am seriously considering changing my major. I'm about 95% sure that now I want to be a Physical Therapist. That will probably mean more schooling but I've decided that if it's what I REALLY want to do, it will be totally worth it. I need to study it out a little more before I actually make the decision though. But for now, I'm homework free for about 5 months! It will be so nice to come home from work and not have to worry about getting everything done.

Speaking of work... I quit my job at Journey's this past week. It was a fun job and I enjoyed working with the kids that I did and watching them improve their life skills (for those of you who don't know what Journey's is, it's an organization that works with special needs kids). It was a nice job to have because they worked around my schedule and everything but another job opportunity came that I simply couldn't pass up. Starting tomorrow, I will be working at a place called Center Partners as a French Speaking Agent. I'm so excited to be able to use my language skills on a daily basis again. It's been so long since I've been able to really carry on a conversation in French! Plus, they are so desperate for people that can speak French that I will be treated like a King there! (Just the way it should be haha)

I've had some pretty interesting things going on lately. We played mud volleyball again a few weeks ago. I LOVE doing that. It is always SOO much fun! This year we made it pretty far in the tournament. 4th place BABY!!! I think we got more into this year than we did all the other times I've played. We even made jersey's! That was a lot of fun too.

I just got back from an AWESOME family reunion! I love my family! Even though it's really hard to get everyone together, it's so much fun when most of us are there. It was great cuz this year we had a competition...THAT'S LIKE MY FAVORITE THING!!! There was a lot of pregame, in-game and post game smack talk (mostly instigated by me and Cortney :) But in the end, the best team won! GO BLUE TEAM! I know that everyone wanted us to lose because we were being so "cocky" (although I'll's not's confidence) I hope everyone knows that we were just doing that to have some fun...I'm really not as self centered as I sound (despite what some might tell you!) It's all part of the game! Anyway, I had a BLAST! It is so much fun to see everyone.

I went to Lagoon a few weeks ago for the first time in I don't even know how long. It was SO much fun! There were so many rides that I had never been on. I even went on the Sky Coaster where they strap you to a cord and pull you up way high and drop you and you just swing in the air. It was a little nerve racking but a TON of fun! Although I was nearly deaf afterwards cuz of all the screaming in my ear! But it was totally worth it.

Other than all that... I've just been living life! School, work and homework took up most of my time but I made sure to find/make time for fun. My parents complain that I'm never home but oh well...I'm in college! I gotta take advantage of this vital time in my life! That's what I think anyway. Everything is going REALLY well and I LOVE the direction my life is going. Pretty much every aspect of my life is on the Upside! YAY!!!