Logan has wanted me to write down my side of our story for a long time now. So here it goes. . . . .
I first met Logan Bradley the summer after eighth grade. He was at the Hamer 4th of July celebration with his cousin and one of my VERY good friends, Deverie Bradley. I didn’t really notice much about him except that he had the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen! I mentioned that to Deverie and she promptly replied that they were fake. Well, I was quite upset. Here’s a guy with the prettiest eyes I had ever seen and they were colored contacts! I decided right there and then that I didn’t like him. That’s all I remember about our first meeting. :)
The next time Logan and I crossed paths was at a play that I was in my senior year of high school. He had come with Deverie to watch and they came and talked to me after it was over. The first thing I said to him was, “Hi, fake eyes”. I hadn’t forgotten about his deception. Apparently, he was mesmerized by me :) and soon after he asked me out on our first date. . . . which was kind of a disaster. Our first date took place in December of our senior year. The only thing I can say is that Logan was so shy in front of me. He said maybe a total of ten words the whole night. I mean, I’m a shy person myself but I thought this was ridiculous. There was no way I was ever going to get to know him if he wouldn’t talk to me. The only time during our date when I saw that he actually had a personality was when we had a skittle fight. He came out of his shell a little bit. Probably only because Deverie was there.
When he was taking me home, the cherry on top of the awful ice cream sundae that was our date occurred. :) We were about a mile or so away from my house when Logan ran off the road. He was pretty upset, and Deverie and I laughing at him probably didn’t make things any better. He was leaving quite an impression on me. I called the only logical person to come pull us out…. my dad. The first time my dad met his future son-in-law was when he was pulling Logan’s car out of snow. He made quite an impression on my dad as well. He became known to my dad as the guy who ran off the road of the “road runner off-er”. I’m just going to say right now that I wasn’t really looking to go on another date with Logan, but I figured I should give him a second chance.
Our second date wasn’t much better. We watched a movie with Deverie and a friend of hers and Logan still really wouldn’t talk to me. Quite honestly, I thought he was kind of boring. After our dates, Deverie was furious with Logan because she knew that he wasn’t being himself. She tried explaining this to me, but I told her that I just didn’t think he was my type. Deverie tried a few times to get us together after that, but they didn’t end well. He just wouldn’t talk to me! We definitely had a few awkward conversations. :)
The November after we graduated Logan left on his mission, and I didn’t think much of us dating again. Deverie tried to get him to write to me, and he finally got the guts to do so the March after he left. He apologized for being so stupid and asked me for another chance to get to know each other. I thought “what the heck, he’s Deverie’s cousin he has to have some redeemable qualities”. We wrote back and forth while he was on his mission and I finally realized that Logan Bradley actually had a pretty fun personality. I was quite surprised.
The December after Logan got back from his mission, he and Deverie came and hung out at my apartment. I was pleasantly surprised. He talked to me and it seemed like he was a fun guy. He even went out with Deverie and I and made snow angels. It was freezing! We didn’t have on snow pants or anything like that. I thought that I could actually see myself going on a date with this guy, but after that night he never called. Which was probably a good thing because I needed to deal with some other returned missionaries before I could get to him. :)
I just kind of forgot about Logan and went on with my life because I never heard from him. I didn’t see him again until about four months later in April. He came with Deverie to watch my volleyball game. They came over to our apartment afterwards and hung out for awhile. I wasn’t looking my best because I had a horrible cold with the whole snot dripping down the nose. I was kind of expecting a call from him after that, but guess what? It didn’t come. Finally, a month later in May he finally gave me a call and asked me out on a date.
We had our first date after Logan’s mission in May. We went 4-wheeling and had a barbecue. I was surprised when I actually had a lot of fun. Dates are much more enjoyable when the person actually talks to you. J After we ate, we watched a movie. Logan and I sat on the couch and I surprised myself by thinking that I wanted to hold his hand. If you knew me, this would surprise you to. Before Logan, I went on dates, but guys usually only lasted for one date and I never held their hands. That’s when I started thinking that maybe this guy was different. I had a great time and was hoping for another date, but Logan didn’t call me. I was kind of upset because I thought he didn’t like me.
For my birthday that May, Deverie and I were going to go to a movie. I told her that she could bring someone if she wanted. I was trying to be casual, but she saw right through me. She brought Logan to the movie. We sat by each other and I kept thinking about holding his hand again. I tried to send him signals that I was interested, but I apparently didn’t do a good job because he was clueless. I didn’t think he was interested in me, he didn’t think I was interested in him. It was a big mess. Thankfully, Deverie sorted it all out. I will always be thankful to her for that. Soon after my birthday he asked me out on another date.
We went miniature golfing on our next date. He got to see my amazing golfing skills and I got to see his cute smile. After golfing, we went back to his house and he made me crepes and we watched a movie. I laid my hand out all obvious like and finally after like forty minutes he finally grabbed my hand. I was pretty excited. :)
Things after that night are kind of a blur to me. Except when it comes to a certain night in July. We went to the sixth Harry Potter midnight premiere and Logan dropped me off at my apartment. I stood there thinking, “When is he going to kiss me?” I didn’t hear his truck start and all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door. Logan was standing there and the first thing he said was, “Can I kiss you?” I was kind of excited, but mostly I started freaking out. I’ll admit that I hadn’t kissed a guy before Logan. Don’t get me wrong, I had plenty of opportunities but I just never found a guy that I wanted to kiss. We sat down on the couch and Logan held me for an hour before I gathered up enough courage to go through with it. We kissed, and it was definitely as awkward as I thought it would be. The kissing got better though, I promise. ;)
One night in September, Logan and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when he got all nervous. I knew he wanted to tell me something, but it took me awhile to get it out of him. He finally told me that he thought he was falling in love with me. I didn’t know what to say and we just kind of sat there. This is when I realized that I had to start thinking seriously about Logan Bradley. A couple weeks later Logan sent me a text message that said I love you in French. That night it finally dawned on me that I loved him back. :) A few nights after the text message, Logan and I were star gazing and I was trying to build up the courage to tell him that I loved him. I was so nervous that I was sick to my stomach! He knew there was something wrong with me, but he was very patient. Finally, I asked him to repeat what he had said in his text message and I was able to say it back. That was a good night.
Time passed, and I eventually realized that I didn’t want to live without Logan. That December after Christmas, we decided to get married. I was kind of freaking out, but after a blessing from my dad I knew that it was the right decision. On May 14, 2010 I married my best friend. I know that is kind of cliché, but it’s true. Logan has brought me more happiness than I ever thought possible. He is the most wonderful man that I have ever known, and I am so glad that I married him. It’s the best decision I have ever made or will ever make.
P.S. Thanks Deverie
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